Use and Share
Data Freely and Securely

Ciphermode Labs is the next generation secure computation platform for digital systems.

Use and Share Data Freely and Securely

Ciphermode Labs is the next generation secure computation platform for digital systems.

Challenges Heading

Data sharing between business units and organizations is necessary in modern business but it’s a major challenge and barrier to growth.

Organizations are fearful of sharing because of:

Global regulations and compliance mandates

Internal and external threats

Fear of data exposure

Lack of trust

Data silos due to old infrastructure

Lengthy, complicated manual processes

Current Methods are Painful

Current solutions are ineffective, slow, expensive and don’t really solve the problem.

Permission System

Long delays
Not viable for external data


Complicated Expensive
Limited applicability

Trusted Third Party

$2M+ per year
Data breaches

Legal Contracts

6-9 months delay
Risk still exists


Yes for real!

As a result, AI projects have high failure rates because they need data to succeed

Solutions Heading

Introducing CipherMode Labs SecureAI to enable your AI projects to grow revenue and increase operational efficiency. SecureAI is a secure data sharing platform that easily enables data sharing while keeping data confidential at all times - solving for data-in-use protection which has been a decades long challenge.

Solutions that Secure AI provides:

Data is never disclosed

No trust assumption

Post-quantum secure

No error introduced

Compliance by design

...Data security and utility do not have to be at odds with each other. .

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